a capricious webcomic

Sentient elevator

May 22nd, 2007


This works with web pages and crosswalks, too.

Posted in button, elevator, frustration, stick figures

5 Responses

  1. Keacher

    As a bonus for reading the comments, here’s the comic that I was going to publish today but decided to reject.

    ***Update: I’ve decided to officially release it.

  2. Vince

    My Wii IS a ninja training system!

  3. ScoutX

    It’s a good tactic to trick the elevator into thinking there are many people waiting.

  4. TheQuux

    Apparently the only thing that pressing the button multiple times does is give you something to do while you wait.

  5. nick

    i’m pretty sure that this comic is the same as “the 5th wave” by rich tennant.

    it can be found on pg 92 of DOS for Dummies